• A Chicago Based Cycling Team

    xXx Racing - Athletico


wins in 2024

2 top 3's

5 top 5's


miles ridden in 2024


With a 20 year history, xXx Racing is Chicago’s premier development-focused amateur cycling team and we’re glad you’ve found us! Founded by bike messengers in 1999, xXx Racing is a 501c(3) organization that actively promotes bike riding and racing in Chicagoland through its many races, practices, and weekly team ride.

Although we are a racing team, our primary focus is on providing an environment for budding cyclists of all abilities to develop within the sport. Interested in developing riding skills and getting stronger? Our Saturday morning team ride, which has been running continuously for 15+ years, is a great way to start. Thinking about racing? Check out our LaBagh Practice Crits, where we host regular low-pressure practice races to help cyclists acclimate to riding in a pack environment. Do you want to become a part of a large, dynamic, and welcoming group of cyclists of all abilities? Come to a monthly team meeting or check out how to join our team.

Team Ride Departure

7:00 am

from Wicker Park

7:30 from Pratt & Ridge

All cyclists are welcome on our Saturday morning team rides, but please first read about our route and expectations.



CX Clinic

Aug 30

September 10th Cross Clinic - Humboldt Park!

xXx Racing and Specialized Chicago are putting on a cross clinic! Register here!

Recent Upgrades

Dinar Arreola- Santiago

5 to 4, Cyclocross

Kevin Klein

5 to 4, Road

Kevin Klein

5 to 4, Cyclocross

Gaylord Otte

4 to 3, Road

Andrew Wise

5 to 4, Road


Garmin Mudbound 100mi

by Erik Didriksen

Jun 5

Garmin Unbound 100mi 2023 Race Report

Read More